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Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science 訳

Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science - Amsterdam Call for Action - Collaboration Infrastructure Wikiの訳。もともとは「Open Science – From Vision to Action」と題されて行われた4/4-4/5 の会議のアウトプットの一つとしてまとめられたもので、確定版ではなく議論のたたき台だと注記されていて、4/6に公開されて10日間ですでに40のコメントが付いており、まだ議論は継続している。会議のストリーミングを聞いている限り、日本のオープンサイエンスの状況もちょこちょこ言及されていたのだが、映っている聴衆には日本人が見当たらず。そもそも会議の性質上欧州以外の参加者はいなかったのかもしれない。


オープンサイエンス(Open science)

Open science is about the way researchers work, collaborate, interact, share resources and disseminate results. A systemic change towards open science is driven by new technologies and data, the increasing demand in society to address the societal challenges of our times and the readiness of citizens to participate in research.

Increased openness and rapid, convenient and high-quality scientific communication - not just among researchers themselves but between researchers and society at large - will bring huge benefits for science itself, as well as for its connection with society. Open science has impact and has the potential to increase the quality and benefits of science by making it faster, more responsive to societal challenges, more inclusive and more accessible to new users. An example of this potential is the response to the outbreak of viral diseases such as Ebola and Zika. Access to the most recent scientific knowledge for a broad group of potential contributors, including new or unknown users of knowledge, has brought solutions closer. Open science also increases business opportunities. The speed at which innovative products and services are being developed is steadily increasing. Only companies (notably SMEs), entrepreneurs and innovative young people that have access to the latest scientific knowledge are able to apply this knowledge and to develop new market possibilities. Citizen science brings research closer to society and society closer to research.






迅速な変化が求められている(A speedy transition is needed)

For Europe to remain at the forefront and to ensure sustainable growth in the future, open science holds many promises. Reality, however, has not caught up yet with the emerging possibilities. The majority of scientific publications, research data and other research outputs are not freely accessible or reusable for potential users. Assessment, reward and evaluation systems in science are still measuring the old way. Although these issues are recognised and countless initiatives have been developed during recent years, policies are not aligned, and expertise can be shared more and better. There is a strong need for cooperation, common targets, real change, and stocktaking on a regular basis for a speedy transition towards open science.

The good news is that there is political and societal momentum. More and more researchers are supporting the transition and are moving towards open science in the way they work. Organisations from the scientific community are urging politicians to act. The European Commission and the Council of the European Union have expressed that they are prepared to take a leading role to facilitate and accelerate the transition towards open science.


ビジョンからアクションへ(From vision to action)

This Call for Action is the main result of the Amsterdam conference on 'Open Science – From Vision to Action' hosted by the Netherlands' EU presidency on 4 and 5 April 2016. It is a living document reflecting the present state of open science evolution. Based on the input of all participating experts and stakeholders. Stakeholders include research funders, Research Performing Organisations (including researchers, libraries and support staff), publishers (including information service providers) and businesses. as well as outcomes of preceding international meetings and reports, a multi-actor approach was formulated to reach two important pan-European goals for 2020.

1. Full open access for all scientific publications. This requires leadership and can be accelerated through new publishing models and compliance with standards set.

2. A fundamentally new approach towards optimal reuse of research data. Data sharing and stewardship is the default approach for all publicly funded research. This requires definitions, standards and infrastructures.

この呼びかけは欧州連合理事会議長国オランダがホストになって 2016/4/5-6 に行われたアムステルダム会議「Open Science – From Vision to Action」の主な成果である。オープンサイエンスの進化の現状を反映し、随時更新される文書である。参加したすべての専門家やステークホルダーの意見に基づいて作られた。ステークホルダーとはここではつまり、研究への出資者や、研究を行う組織(研究者や図書館員、サポートスタッフを含む)、出版関係者(情報サービスプロバイダーを含む)、そして関連企業だ。これまでの国際会議とそのレポートと同じく、複数のアクターを想定したアプローチがとられ、ヨーロッパ全体で2020年までに2つの重要なゴールを目指す。

1. すべての科学出版物を完全なオープンアクセスとする。このアクションのためのリーダーシップが必要とされており、新しい出版モデルや、規準の順守が、この動きを加速しうる。

2. 研究データの最適な再利用に向けた抜本的に新しいアプローチを実現する。データの共有と提供は公共資金を用いたすべての研究におけるデフォルトのアプローチである。この実現のためには、定義と、規準と、インフラが必要である。

To reach these goals by 2020 we need flanking policy:

3. New assessment, reward and evaluation systems. New systems that really deal with the core of knowledge creation and account for the impact of scientific research on science and society at large, including the economy, and incentivise citizen science.

4. Alignment of policies and exchange of best practices. Practices, activities and policies should be aligned and best practices and information should be shared. It will increase clarity and comparability for all parties concerned and to achieve joint and concerted actions. This should be accompanied by regular monitoring-based stocktaking.


3. 新しい審査、報酬、評価のシステムが必要である。新しいシステムは知識創造の核にかかわるものでなくてはならず、科学研究が科学や経済を含む社会全体にあたえる影響を組み入れなくてはならず、また市民科学のインセンティブを高めるものでなくてはならない。

4. ポリシーの整理とベストプラクティスの共有が必要である。実践、活動、そしてポリシーは連携していなくてはならず、ベストプラクティスと情報は共有されなければならない。それによって、すべてのステークホルダーへの情報透明性や比較可能性を担保され、うまく連携したアクションを可能にする。これは、定期的にモニタリングするタイプの実績調査を伴うべきだろう。


12の行動とその具体的な内容(Twelve action items with concrete actions to be taken)

Twelve action items have been included in this Call for Action. They all contribute to the transition towards open science and have been grouped around five cross-cutting themes that follow the structure of the European Open Science Agenda as proposed by the European Commission. This may help for a quick-start of the Open Science Policy Platform that will be established in May 2016. Each action item contains concrete actions that can be taken immediately by the Member States, the European Commission and the stakeholders:



Removing barriers to open science

1. Change assessment, evaluation and reward systems in science

2. Facilitate text and data mining of content

3. Improve insight into IPR and issues such as privacy

4. Create transparency on the costs and conditions of academic communication


1. 科学の中の審査、評価、報酬システムを変革する

2. 科学コンテンツに対するテクストマイニングやデータマイニングを促進する

3. 知的財産権やプライバシーの問題に関する知見を深める

4. 科学コミニケーションにおけるコストとパフォーマンスを透明にする

Developing research infrastructures

5. Introduce FAIR and secure data principles

6. Set up common e-infrastructures


5. 公正で安全なデータ規準を定める

6. 共通のe-インフラを整える

Fostering and creating incentives for open science

7. Adopt open access principles

8. Stimulate new publishing models for knowledge transfer

9. Stimulate evidence-based research on innovations in open science


7. オープンアクセス原則を受容する

8. 知識交換の新しい出版モデルを刺激する

9. オープンサイエンスでのイノベーションにおいて、エビデンスベースの研究を刺激する

Mainstreaming and further promoting open science policies

10. Develop, implement, monitor and refine open access plans


10. オープンアクセス計画の策定、実施、監視

Stimulating and embedding open science in science and society

11. Involve researchers and new users in open science

12. Encourage stakeholders to share expertise and information on open science


11. 研究者とあたらしいユーザをオープンサイエンスに巻き込んでいく

12. ステークホルダーがオープンサイエンスにおける専門技術や情報を共有することを促す