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という話が気になってしまったので、Erving Goffman: Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience をつまみ読みしてたのだけれど、該当の場所は p.11-12 に Rudolf Carnap: Logical Syntax of Language (The International Library of Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind and Lanuage) の引用として出現する。

The sentences, definitions, and rules of the syntax of a language are concerned with the forms of that language. But, now, how are these sentences, definitions, and rules themselves to be correctly expressed? Is a kind of super-language necessary for the purpose? And, again, a third language to explain the syntax of this super-language, and so on to infinity? Or is it possible to formulate the syntax of a language within that language itself? The obvious fear will arise that in the latter case, owing to certain reflexive definitions, contradictions of a nature seemingly similar to those which are familiar both in Cantor's theory of transfinite aggregates and in the pre-Russellian logic might make their appearance. But we shall see later that without any danger of contradictions or antinomies emerging it is possible to express the syntax of a language in that language itself, to an extent which is conditioned by the wealth of means of expression of the language in question.

Introduction - 1. What is logical syntax? という冒頭の節の 3ページ目だ。言語の統語論を論理的にどう記述するかって話題の中で、メタ言語で定義するのが必要やとしたらそれって無限にメタ言語定義する羽目に陥らん?って問題に触れている。この本が出されたのが 1937 で、自己言及のパラドックスを用いてゲーデル不完全性定理を証明したのが 1931 年だから、ここらへんの問題意識は当時ホットだったことが伺われる。p.100でも

Now, however, Gödel has shown that not only all former systems, but all systems of this kind in general, are incomplete.


続きは下に引用したように「手順としては、統語論記述してから、そこで現れる概念を形式化して、その論理的性質について決めていくって順番でやっていきます。だってどんな分野でも、先に実践があってから、ずーっと後にその学問体系に関する認識論的/論理的な議論が行われるもんね。」みたいな流れだ。記述できる論理のリッチさもsyntax-language の方のリッチさに制約されるとかいう話ももっと後には出てくる。

However, we shall not at first concern ourselves with this problem, important though it is. We shall proceed, instead, to construct syntactical concepts relating to the languages we have chosen, and postpone, for a while, the question as to whether we are able or not to express the rules and sentences based on these concepts in that language itself. In the first stages of a theory, such a naïve approach seems always to have proved the most fruitful. For instance, geometry, arithmetic, and the differential calculus all appeared first, and only much later (in some cases, hundreds of years after) did epistemological and logical discussions of the already developed theories ensue. Hence we shall start by constructing the syntax, and then, later on, proceed to formalize its concepts and thereby determine its logical character.

In following this procedure, we are concerned with two languages: in the first place with the language which is the object of our investigation — we shall call this the object-language — and, secondly, with the language in which we speak about the syntactical forms of the object-language — we shall call this the syntax-language. As we have said, we shall take as our object-languages certain symbolic languages; as our syntax-language we shall at first simply use the English language with the help of some additional Gothic symbols.

さて、Carnap 側の発言の文脈はだいたいつかめたので、Goffman 側に戻ってみると、この引用の前には

Discussions about frame inevitably lead to questions concerning the status of the discussion itself, because here terms applying to what is analyzed ought to apply to the analysis also. I proceed on the commonsense assumption that ordinary language and ordinary writing practices are sufficiently flexible to allow anything one wants to express to get expressed. Here I follow Carnap's position:

と来ている。ちょっとズレてない?*1とは思うけれども、だいたいあってる。別にこのエントリは Goffman の引用の妥当性を検証するのが目的ではなくて、ある説明をするのに引用できないか検討するためだった。でも、ちょっと使うのは問題がありそうだというのが結論、残念。


  • books.google.co.jp Carnap の The Logical Syntax of Language。Goffman の方は地球環境学堂の図書室で借りた。


